O papel do conflito na teoria crítica contemporânea em Axel Honneth
Texto completo:
HONNETH, Axel. Dilemmas of Justice in a ‘Postsocialist’ Age. In:______. Justice Interruptus – critical reflections on the ‘postsocialist’condition. London: Routledge, p.11-39, 1997 [1995].
_____________. Rethinking the Public Sphere: a contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy. In: DURING, Simon (ed.). The Cultural Studies Reader. Londres: Routledge, p. 518-536, 1999.
_____________. Rethinking recognition. In: New Left Review (II), 3, p.107-120, 2000.
_____________. Recognition without ethics? In: Theory, Culture & Society. Londres / Thousand Oaks / New Delhi, v. 18, n. 2-3, p. 21-42, 2001.
_____________. Luta por reconhecimento: A gramática moral dos conflitos sociais. Trad. Luiz Repa. São Paulo: Ed. 34, 2003a.
____________. Social Justice in the age of identity politics: Redistribution, Recognition, and Participation. In: FRASER, N; HONNETH, A. Redistribution or Recognition. A political- Philosophical exchange. Londres/Nova York: Verso, p. 07- 109, 2003b.
__________. “Distorted Beyond All Recognition: A Rejoinder to Axel Honneth”. In: FRASER; HONNETH. Redistribution or recognition: a political-philosophical exchange. London: Verso, 2003c.
___________. Reconhecimento sem Ética? Lua Nova, São Paulo, n. 70, [2001] 2007, p. 101-138.
___________. “Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: Redistribution, Recognition, and Participation”. In: FRASER; HONNETH. Redistribution or recognition: a political philosophical exchange. London: Verso, 2009.
VOIROL, Olivier. - A esfera pública e as lutas por reconhecimento: De Habermas a Honneth. In: Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã, n.11, Jan-Jun 2008, p.33-56.
WERLE, D. L.; SOARES MELO, R. Introdução: Teoria crítica, teorias da justice e reatualização de Hegel. In: HONNETH, A. Sofrimento de Indeterminação. São Paulo: Esfera pública, 2007, pp. 7-44.
ISSN 2237-1966

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